Tuesday 12 August 2014

New Series of Interest Posts - Dating Analytics

When I started 7for7, among the many considerations I had in organizing events was the idea of collecting and analyzing data related to dating. The inspiration for this idea came from OkTrends, the blog from the popular online dating site OkCupid.

Now OkTrends has restarted after a long hiatus (Christian Rudder, the founder, took time out to write his forthcoming book on dating analytics, Dataclysm). And his first new post on OkTrends is a doozy. In his post, he talks about, among other things, the importance of pictures versus the words you fill in your online dating profile.

*Spoiler Alert*: 

Your picture is worth the proverbial thousand words, but your actual words are worth...nothing. Sad, but true, and also unsurprising. But hey, at least someone has proven this for a fact. 

I encourage everyone to read his post in full, especially if you use any online dating websites or apps.

In the spirit of OkTrends' resurrection, after holding 3 events successfully, I've collected enough data to make some interesting observations. Granted, the sample size is small, but I have to start somewhere. 

Originally, I had planned on giving a talk on my insights into dating as part of Indignation 2014. This was the side project I mentioned several weeks ago. However, the organizers of Indignation weren't too enthused about the idea of a talk with statistics and numbers. They offered to help publicize the next 7for7 event instead, but based on data from Google Analytics, there were only about 60 visitors to my blog who linked from Indignation's Facebook page. Just one or two registered on my website (I track that data too). 

Given the limited reach of Indignation, I won't be pursuing the idea of giving a talk. Instead, I've repurposed my presentation as a series of interest posts to be released over the next few weeks. Each post will center on a particular insight or observation that I've gleaned over the course of organizing events.

Now, while enjoying reading my witty and trenchant observations may be well and good for some folks, I understand that some people will want more than that, and indeed, my goal is to offer something for you, as an individual trying to date, that will help you get a better experience out of dating in general. And to that end, this entire series of posts is geared towards offering advice or things to consider as you navigate the jungle that is gay dating.