Monday, 24 February 2014

Publicizing 7for7...and a success story!

While our first event was a success, it was a different story with our second event. Too few participants confirmed their registration and hence, we had to cancel the event.

In practice, while many guys may sign up for an event, not everyone confirms their registration later through payment. Some may have signed up on a whim. Some may have lost interest and changed their minds halfway, thinking why on earth would they want to go to an event where they just meet random guys that may not be to their liking.

Well, here's a third reason why some guys bail on our events. Sometimes, serendipity, against all odds, strikes...

A speed dating service can only thrive when it can continually get new participants. That's because past participants need to keep seeing new faces for the events to be a useful avenue to meet people, while guys who are successful at meeting someone compatible will drop out of events and reduce the roll of participants.

I am very happy to have made a difference for guys lucky enough to have met a potential relationship prospect at my events, and that's a reason I am perfectly OK with for dropping out of an event you have signed up for.

For those of you who are curious when our next event is going to be held, we hope it will be soon, but because of the importance of publicizing 7for7, we're concentrating our efforts on getting the word out.

We've printed business cards for instance, and we're looking to place them at gay-owned and operated bars, cafes and restaurants. Let us know if you know someone who might be open to displaying our business cards at their counters.

We've also opened a Twitter account for those of you who prefer to receive updates through that channel. Follow us @SevenForseven1.

Once we have attained sufficient interest on our website, mailing list and followers on Twitter, we'll look into opening for registration for our next event. Hopefully, we will never have to cancel an event again. =)