Monday, 17 February 2014


7for7 has only just started recently, so every little bit of promotion helps.

It seems unusual to use one blog to promote another, but that's exactly what I've done. Some of you would have linked here from flaneurose, so yes, I might as well publicize the fact here to 7for7 users that I am also behind the blog flaneurose.

It may seem strange to have 2 different blogs. But just as with authors, having a pseudonym allows one to speak with a different voice. I wanted to separate the two blogs because they deal with very different concerns and different audiences.

However, in the interest of building a greater following for 7for7, I felt I could leverage on the much more established flaneurose to generate more interest in 7for7.

So, the "secret" is out. flaneurose and 7for7 are by the same person, namely me. =)